International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2015 - Poetry and Conflict is coming










Poetry and Conflict

—International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2015

War and peace—one of humanity’s eternal themes. From 1945 to today, despite seventy years without another “world war,” our world has never been free from war, invasion, destruction, slaughter, and the degradation and spiritual trauma that follow. The progress of civilization seems to be the strong making fodder of the weak under the mantle of freedom in a quest for domination, as the globalization of power and capital continue to carve up the world to better rule it.

The year 1989 was a historical turning point, but while the Cold War between East and West reached a kind of culmination, the Cold War mentality has continued unabated. Less straightforwardly, the sea swell of globalization led by capitalism since the end of the twentieth century has swallowed heaven and earth, and the internet revolution’s information explosion has brought about both the fragmentation of knowledge and the transformation of the news media into amusement, thoroughly restructuring the old world order and overturning the “traditional” lifestyles of the middle-class along with it. At the same time, on the flip side of material ostentatiousness and brainwashing by the media, we remain shocked at the continuation of hostility and upheaval, the growing disparity between rich and poor, the depletion of natural resources, and the progressive degradation of rights such as freedom of speech.

Poetry and Conflict: the theme for the 2015 International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong.

Since antiquity, poetry has been sourced in humanity’s suffering, a driving force for the overcoming of darkness toward the light. Now, amid proposed conflicts between civilizations, histories, religions, and languages, what can poetry do? In the bedlam of the morbid fantasies of our world, what can poetry do? In retracing the source and course of our spiritual knocking at language’s door, what can poetry do?



今年,確定參與「香港國際詩歌之夜2015」的詩人包括費平樂(Fernando Pinto do AMARAL,葡萄牙)、彼得•科爾(Peter COLE,美國)、揚-米歇爾•埃斯比達列(Jean-Michel ESPITALLIER,法國)、飲江(LAU Yee-ching、香港)、尼古拉•馬茲洛夫(Nikola MADZIROV,馬其頓)、艾棘•米索(Agi MISHOL,以色列)、水田宗子(Noriko MIZUTA,日本)、萊斯•馬雷(Les MURRAY,澳洲)、戈列博•舒普雅科夫(Gleb SHULPYAKOV,俄羅斯)、多和田葉子(Yoko TAWADA,日本)、安妮•華曼(Anne WALDMAN,美國)、穆罕默德•貝尼斯(Mohammed BENNIS,摩洛哥)、陳黎(CHEN Li,台灣)、納捷宛•達爾維什(Najwan DARWISH,巴勒斯坦)、詹瑪•歌爾伽 (Gemma GORGA,西班牙加泰隆尼亞)、金惠順(KIM Hyesoon,南韓)、宋琳(SONG Lin,中國大陸)、科科瑟(ko ko thett,緬甸)、衣田•拉朗德(Étienne LALONDE,加拿大魁北克)、王小妮(WANG Xiaoni,中國大陸)、加桑•扎克坦(Ghassan ZAQTAN,巴勒斯坦)總共21位國際詩人出席。

Following the enormous success of the 2009, 2011 and 2013 occasions of the International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong, the “International Poetry Nights in Hong Kong 2015” (hereafter IPNHK2015) is planned to be held in November 2015. The Organizing Committee of IPNHK2015 will continue to accomplish the mission of making literature a more prominent part of the daily life in Hong Kong, by organizing more literary activities such as this biennial International Poetry Nights. IPNHK2015 brings together internationally renowned poets from different parts of the world, so as to create opportunities for college and high-school students, as well as for local writers and the public, to meet the invited poets in the many IPNHK2015 activities, broaden their horizon in the reading of world poetry, and be aspired to the writing of their local environment. In the meantime, we will take this opportunity to foster close collaboration with institutions of tertiary and secondary education, connecting the higher education with the public at large for the sake of knowledge transfer.

The theme of IPNHK2015 is “Poetry and Conflict,” which explores the multi-layer relationships between poetry and war. Poetry has been generally recognized as the highest form of language, while war inflicts the most pains on the human history. IPNHK2015 invites the world-acclaimed poets from war-troubled countries in the past such as the United States (Anne Waldman, Peter Cole), Japan (Tawada Yoko, Mizuta Noriko), South Korea (Moon Chung-hee), Macedonia(Nikola Madzirov), Catalonia(Gemma Gorga), Portugal(Fernando Pinto do Amaral), Burma(Ko Ko Thett), Morroco(Mohammed Bennis), Mainland China(Wang Xiaoni), Taiwan(Chen Li), Hong Kong(Lau Yee-ching), and those of today such as Israel (Agi Mishol), Palestine (Ghassan Zaqtan, Najwan Darwish), These poets, who engage their works with “war” as a topic, are going to exchange views and explore the many layers where the equanimous poetry is able to play its role in the most violent events in the human history, and in so doing, encourage writers and readers of the war-free Hong Kong to reflect upon the local milieu in a global framework.

date: 26-29 November 2015
more info see the office home page here: