音樂: Dickson Dee 李勁松、陳志江(@TheGongStrikesOne)
Booking: https://forms.gle/47pD4JaLPkD2dXTH9
Readers: Mutsuo Takahashi, Tian Yuan
Musicians: Dickson Dee, Chi-kong Chan (@TheGongStrikesOne)
Venue: The Jockey Club Studio Theatre, The Fringe Club
Address: 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, Hong Kong
Date: 9 September 2019
Time: 8:00-9:30pm
Languages: Japanese, Chinese
高橋睦郎(1937– ),日本當代著名詩人、作家和批評家。生於福岡縣北九州市,畢業於福岡教育大學文學部。從少年時代開始同時創作短歌、俳句和現代詩。二十一歲出版的處女詩集《米諾托,我的公牛》為十四歲至二十一歲創作的現代詩作品集。之後,相繼出版有詩集和詩選集三十六部、短歌俳句集十部、長篇小說三部、舞台劇本四部、隨筆和評論集三十部等。其中除部分作品被翻譯成各種文字外,分別在美國、英國和愛爾蘭等國家出版有數部外語版詩選集。二〇〇〇年,因涉獵多種創作領域和在文藝創作上的突出貢獻,被授予紫綬褒章勛章。詩人至今獲過許多重要文學獎:讀賣文學獎、高見順詩歌獎、鮎川信夫詩歌獎、蛇笏俳句獎等。詩人高橋睦郎用自己的創作行動,緩和了日本現代詩與古典傳統詩歌斷絕血緣的「隔閡」和對峙的「緊張關係」。他的詩在傳統與現代之間進行了有意義的嘗試,為現代詩新的寫作方法和新的詩歌秩序提供了可能。其整體詩風穩健、機智、厚重,並帶有一定的悲劇意識,在戰後日本現代詩中獨樹一幟。
Mutsuo Takahashi is one of the most prolific authors in contemporary Japan, best known as a formally inventive poet and a master of the traditional poetic forms of tanka and haiku, although he has also written plays, novels and essays. He is especially well known for his open writing about male homoeroticism. Takahashi has, to date, published about thirty books of poetry, including tanka and haiku and three collected volumes.
Tian Yuan (1965-) first came to Japan as a government-financed student early in the 1990s. In 2003, he received a Doctorate in Literature for his study of the poetry of Shuntarô Tanikawa. He now teaches in Tôhoku University in Japan, and is chiefly engaged in the translation of contemporary Japanese poetry. His books of translation into Chinese so far include Selected Poems of Shuntarô Tanikawa (2 volumes) and An Alien: Selected Poems of Takashi Tsujii. Tian has been awarded literary prizes for poetry in China, America and Taiwan

國際詩人在香港:高橋睦郎 | 《晚霞與少年》發佈及朗誦會
- 相關藝術家
- Mutsuo Takahasi Dickson Dee Chi-kong Chan Tian Yuan
- 開始時間
- 2019
- 地址
- 2 Lower Albert Rd, Central, Hong Kong