舞.聲.道 Momentum 二部曲 Episode II

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Dickson Dee
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《舞.聲.道》Momentum(二部曲)Episode II 音像裝置展~ A Sound and Video Installation Exhibition

1a Space Gallery, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Kowloon
11am -- 7pm(星期一休館 Closed on Mondays)

票價:免費入場(不設門票)Free admission
節目查詢 Enquiry:2329 7803 / [email protected]


Reservation for Momentum II Exhibition Opening Ceremony and Dance Performance
17.4.2014 四 Thu


CCDC邀請了香港知名音樂人李勁松先生(Dickson Dee)設計概念。Dickson自學生時代便接觸道家的九宮、八卦和五行理論,對各種事物的平衡非常關注,並且從中擷取靈感,套用到平面設計、抽象繪畫及音樂創作上,甚至影響其生活方式,一直至今。一次佛山之旅,Dickson看見了經千年碳化的陰沉木,被其美麗質感所震懾,立即決定要用它來作多媒體裝置藝術,同時構思如何結合舞蹈,以道家的九宮、八卦和五行學說為基礎,舞蹈、聲音及裝置作媒介,來一場淨化土地的祭典,而祭典,正是舞蹈最原始的功能!


Renowned experimental musician Dickson Dee started studying Taoist concepts of Nine Halls Diagram, Eight Trigrams and Five Elements when he was a student, paying much attention to the equilibrium between things and how he can draw inspirations from it. Dickson has been applying these ideas to graphic design, abstract painting and music composition. The ideas are still influencing his life today. During a trip to Foshan, Dickson saw some petrified wood which beautiful texture immediately inspired him to create a multimedia installation art merging with dance. He uses Taoist concepts of Nine Halls Diagram, Eight Trigrams and Five Elements as foundation; dance, sound and installation as media to form an earth-purifying ritual. And ritual was the original function of dance.

Momentum consists of two parts: Episode I is a site-specific performance which was held on 22 and 23 March, attracting more than 1,200 audience members to Mount Austin Playground on the Peak for the performance; Episode II is this sound and visual installation exhibition. You are invited to take part in this interactive game according to your own Chinese zodiac sign on a tailor-made App. We hope that you will find quietness and serenity in this loud and bustling city on this private journey.

創作團隊 Creative Team:

  • 概念、作曲及聲音裝置:李勁松
    Concept, Composer and Sound Installation Artist: Dickson Dee
  • 編舞:邢亮
    Choreographer: Xing Liang
  • 多媒體設計:楊振業
    Multimedia Designer: Adrian Yeung
  • 燈光設計:劉詩豪
    Lighting Designer: Low Shee Hoe
  • 服裝設計:李慧娥
    Costume Designer: Linda Lee
  • 道學顧問:知三道人
    Taoism Consultant: Master Zhi-zan
  • 監製:黃國威
    Producer: Raymond Wong
  • 演出:黃翠絲
    Guest Performer: Tracy Wong

The presenter reserves the right to alter the programme and artists

相關節目詳情,請參閱www.ccdc.com.hk / http://ccdcmomentum.weebly.com
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Please visit www.ccdc.com.hk or ccdcmomentum.weebly.com for details, and like our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ccdc.page) for latest updates.