BORDERS: A Musical Exploration
『無國界音樂會』將於2008年8月7日在牛房開Show! 音樂會將音樂演出結合建築空間和畫廊的現場展覽, 大玩互動, 探索藝術創作的多元界限。音樂會重點演繹兩位香港當時得令的重要年青作曲人Samson Young, Lok Yin Tang 以及Fung Lam的作品, 它們也是GRENZENLO貫徹中國巡迴音樂會, 巡演四個城市九場音樂會的點題之作。音樂會將演出一些本土和國際作曲人的首演作品。『無國界音樂會』標誌著音樂組織GRENZENLO於東亞區的首度登場, 為觀眾獻演他們重要的當代新音樂作品。
Borders, to be staged at Ox House on August 7st 2008, aims to explore the borders of artistic creation through the interaction between musical performance, architectural space and gallery exhibits. There will be a focus on presenting works by three of Hong Kong’s leading young composers:Samson Young , Lok Yin Tang and Fung Lam. This will be Grenzenlos’ tour highlight in its 9-concert, 4-city China tour (July 20 – August 7). The performance will include premieres of works by local and international composers. Borders marks Grenzenlos’ debut in East Asia. The group will present a programme of new, important works from its contemporary repertoire.
演出者 / Performer:Olivia De Prato (Violin); Dickson Dee (Laptop); William Lane (Viola); Nenad Markovic (Trumpet); Daniel Ploeger (Trombone); Markus Sepperer (Oboe); Eugene Ughetti (Percussion)
日期 / Date::07/08/2008(星期四/Thursday)20:00
地點 / Venue:牛房倉庫 Ox warehouse
現場不設劃位 Seats are not assigned
售價地點/ Tickets:牛房倉庫Oxwarehouse、邊度有書Pinto Livros (28 330909)
票價:MOP$80 (牛房之友、邊度有書之友及學生可享MOP$65票價優惠,購票時須出示有效證件)
Price: MOP$80 (Special ticket purchase at MOP$65 are open for Friends of Ox WareHouse, Pinto Livros and students. Please present valid ID during purchase)
GRENZENLOS是致力於促進世界性新音樂合作的組織,擁有一個固定的音樂團隊, 有多名來自不同國家的藝術家和作曲家, 以及一家管理公司。
Grenzenlos is an organization dedicated to producing innovative music, consisting of a fixed ensemble, an international roster of artists and composers and an artistic management company.
節目查詢 / Program inquiry:(853)28 530026
節目網站 / Program website:
主辦 / Organized by:婆仔屋藝術空間 Old Ladies Art Space
場地提供Venue provided by:民政總署IACM

BORDERS: A Musical Exploration 7th Aug Macau
- Related artists
- GRENZENLOS Dickson Dee
- Start at
- 2008
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