PNF : Soundtracks for bride of sevenless -Auscultare /CD /1997 (USA)
A survey of Asian sound activity: 1997 - 1998
1 Koji Tano - Field Recording Intro (1:16)
2 Government Alpha - Acoustic Type (0:48)
3 Chris C. Lin - Bathyal (2:55)
4 Ching Shen Ching - V-Zone (7:25)
5 Magmax Gracie - Jugend (5:33)
6 S.Isabella - Phosphorescence (4:36)
7 Z.S.L.O. - 422189 (4:36)
8 R.H.Y. Yau - Dog (1:13)
9 MSBR - Fragment #1 (5:10)
10 Kazumoto Endo - Night Falls On IKEBUKURO (4:17)
11 PNF - My Favorite Scratch (7:58)
12 Yukiko Toyama - Park 3AM (5:55)
Compiled By [Compilation], Design – Randy H.Y. Yau
Layout, Artwork [Inner Tray Artwork] – Matt Lyon
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